Perth Cemetery Company | 165 Dufferin Road Perth ON | (613)267-7450 | [email protected]

Welcome to Elmwood Cemetery. Elmwood Cemetery is owned and operated by The Perth Cemetery Company, a not-for-profit organization and a registered Canadian charity. The company which was incorporated in 1872 is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. We are located in the Town of Perth, Lanark County, Ontario and we are the only operating cemetery within the Town of Perth. Our property encompasses forty two acres of which about half are presently used for interments. While Elmwood was originally founded as the Anglo-Protestant cemetery for the general Perth area it expanded many decades ago to serve all area residents without restriction due to cultural or religious backgrounds.

Elmwood serves the citizens of Perth and surrounding communities by providing a secure and affordable final resting place in a park like setting. The monuments, structures and trees represent the historical link to the past and the area’s inhabitants that have gone before us. Within Elmwood Cemetery we have established an atmosphere of a naturalistic setting to attract and comfort the living while providing a secure and respectful place for the dead. The monuments perpetuate the memory of the individuals in a heritage like setting for public use.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to remain a ‘not-for-profit’ organization providing affordable final resting locations for the public at large within a secure, respectful and park like setting. We endeavor to provide various burial options such as traditional full interment, in ground cremation inurnment and above ground entombment in either public or private columbariums.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to continue being the public cemetery of choice for all residents of Perth and surrounding communities. We shall continue to maintain all burial markers as they age, in a reasonable structural condition with priorities towards public safety. Landscaping and tree maintenance shall be carried out regularly to preserve the park like atmosphere. This cemetery is considered as one of the prime custodians of our towns’ history and shall be maintained to reflect that heritage.


Our cemetery shall continue to respect the privacy of all Interment Rights Holders and securely keep all records pertaining to those interred in both hard and soft copy indefinitely. Family genealogists and other interested parties shall be supported in their efforts of preserving the legacy of those interred.